You need to protect your website. It is vulnerable to attack. Sometimes competitors want to find out about your customers or inundate your site with so many controlled visits as to cause your site to crash from too much volume. If yours is a retail site or you accept payments through your site, you need to protect your customers' sensitive credit card information and that can kill a business if you are blamed. With POWERED NETWORK SECURITY on your side, we'll act as your website security administrator to keep the bad guys out. With today's sophisticated hackers, a firewall will no longer protect your company website: you have to cope with users needing to take documents out, and with attackers trying to get in. The best security advice is to assume that your network can be penetrated - and that it might already have been penetrated - so you need someone who knows how to detect and respond to attacks. That's where POWERED NETWORK SECURITY comes in. We'll monitor and prevent unauthorized server access, misuse, modification, or denial of your server network and network-accessible resources